Moto Stage 2
. We have packages to make things simpler, if you would like a quote for a custom package for your bike, contact us and we can help.

Our Harley Davidson stage 2 audio system, has 2x the speakers, and 2x the power as stage 1. All equipment is easily hidden, and mounted solidly in the front fairing.
Stage 2 includes:
- (2) pairs of Ground Zero GZCF 6.5SPL speakers. Front fairing, and either lower fairing or saddlebag lids with 6x9s are an option (additional costs)
These speakers are designed for bikes. Weatherproof, and LOUD

- SounDigital 800.4 EVOX, 800 watt "mini" amplifier
SounDigital amps are perfect for bikes. Small enough to hide in the fairing, and TONS of power

- An HKI Mini DSP
With an equalizer, crossovers, and time alignment, we can get the speakers to sound as good as possible

-All wiring, cables, adapters, brackets and installation labor
We use Stinger wiring, and high quality install parts to make sure your install lasts