Security system info

Unfortunately this scene is too common. Vehicle break ins, and vehicle theft are at an all time high. Even on newer cars, thieves have technology to steal your car, quite easily... unless you have a Compustar security system installed.
Below we will go over the features & benefits of having a security system installed on your vehicle.
Kia & Hyundai vehicles are being stolen at an alarming rate. Push to start vehicles are being stolen by relay attacks, & tech savvy thieves. With a security system, we can eliminate the threat of your vehicle being stolen.
For push to start vehicles, we can install an add-on to your security system, which completely disables your push to start button, while the security system is armed. So even if a thief successfully scans the code of your key, and gets in your vehicle, our system will keep the vehicle from starting. There is no way to get this car started, without disarming our system first!
For key start vehicles, we have a starter kill/immobilizer. So even if a thief pops your key cylinder out, and is able to turn the ignition switch over, the vehicle will not start.
We even have the ability to use GPS tracking to locate the vehicle, in the scenario where a vehicle is trailered or towed away. Even with a backup battery inside the unit, so if they think they have disabled any GPS tracking systems by disconnecting the vehicles battery... they will be in for a big surprise when you are still able to locate the car.